Título : | The gospel of John | Tipo de documento: | texto impreso | Autores: | Bultmann, Rudolf, Autor | Editorial: | The westminster press | Número de páginas: | 744 páginas | Nota general: | <27236> | Idioma : | Inglés | Clasificación: | 226.5/B91/(ING) | Resumen: | INDICE:
Sections of the commentary in order of the text xiii
Publisher`s note xiv
Introduction 1
1. The characteristics of the gospel of John in comparison with the synoptic gospels 3
2. The sources 6
3. The relationship to gnoticism 7
4. The relationship to paul 9
5. The integrity of the gospel 10
6. Authorship, time and place of composition 11
1. 1-18 The prologue 13
A. 1.1-4 the pre temporal existence of the logos 19
a) His relation to god: 1,1-2 19
b) His relation to the world : 1.3-4 36
B. 1.5-18: The logos as the revealer in history 45
a) Preliminary description: 1.5-13 45
b) The logos in the flesh: 1.4-18 60
1.19-51: the maptypia of the baptist 84
A. 1.19-24: The witness of the baptist 84
B. 1.35-51: the calling of the first disciples 97
Chapters 2-12: the revelation of the aoea to the world 109
Prelude: Chapter 2 113
A. 2.1-12: The miracle of the epiphany 113
B. 2.13-22: the cleansing of the temple 122
I. 2.23.4-42: the encounter with the revealer 130
A. 2.23-3.36: Jesus and the teacher of israel 130
a) Introduction: 2.23-25 130
b) The coming of the revealer as the – of the world: 3.1-21 (+3.31-36) 131
The mystery of the rebirth 3.1-8 133
The mystery of the son of man 3.9-21 143
The mystery of the witness 3.31-36 160
c) the - of the baptist 3.22-30 167
Introduction 3.22-26 170
The - 3.27.30 172
B. 4.1-42 jesus in samaria 175
a) A) jesus ant he samaritan woman 4.1-30 176
Introduction 4.1-4 176
Jesus and the samaritan woman 4.5-30 177
i. Setting the scene 4.5-6 177
ii. Jesus asks for water 4.7-9 178
iii. The living water 4.10-15 180
iv. The revelation as the disclosure of man`s being: 4.16-19 187
v. The self reveltation of jesus 4.20-26 189
vi. Conclusion 4.27-30 192
b) jesus and the messengers of the revelation 4.31-42 193
Jesus and the proclamation of the witnesses 4.31-38 194
First and second hand hearers 4.39-42 200
II. 4.43-6.59; 7.15-24, 8.13-20 Ther revelation as K 203
A. 4.43-45 Introduction 204
B. Prelude: 4.46-54: the healing of the son of the .. 204
C. 6.1-59 the bread of life 209
a) the feeding of the multitude and the journey on the lake 6.1-26 210
b) the bread of life 6.27-59 218
The lords supper 6.51b-58 234
D. 5.1-47; 7.15-24, 8.13-20 The judge 237
A) the healing story and controversy 5.1-18 240
The healing of the lame man5.1-9a 240
The controversy 5.9b-18 242
B) the judge 5.19-47; 7.15-24; 8.13-20 247
The revealer as the eschatological judge 5.19-30 247
The witness for the revealer 5.31-47; 7.15-24 262
i. The – 5.31-40 263
ii. The – 5.41-47; 7.15-24 268
Conclusiion: - 8.13-20 278
III. Chapters 7-10 the revealers struggles with the world 285
A. 7.1-14, 25-52. 8-48-50, 54-55 The hiddenness and contingency of the revelation 287
a) introduction 7.1-13 288
b) The hiddenness of the revelation 7.14, 25-29; 8.48-50; 54-55; 7.30 295
c) The contingency of the revelation 7.37-44; 31-36 302
The -- 7.37-44,31 302
Too late 7.33-36 306
d) Conclusion 7.45-52 309
B. 8.41-47, 51-53, 56-59 a fragment. Analysis of the chapter 8 312
a) the jews as children of the devil 8.41-47,51 315
b) jesus and abrahm 8.52-53, 56-59 325
C. 9.1-41; 8.12; 12,44-50; 8.21-29, 12-34-36; 10.19-21 The light of the world 329
a) healing narrative, discussion and controversy 9.1-41 329
The healing of the blind man 9.1-7 330
The discussion of the miracles 9.8-38 333
Controversy 9.39-41 339
b) the light of the world: 8.12, 12.44-50: 8-21-29; 12.34-36 342
The call of the revealer 8.12; 12.44-50 342
Threats and warningss 8.21-29; 12.34-36a 347
c) conclusion 12.36b; 10-19-21 357
D. 10.1-39 The good shepherd 358
a) introduction 10.22-26 360
b) The good shepherd 10.11-13, 1-10, 14-18, 27-30 363
The good shepherd and the hireling 10.11-13 363
The good shepherd ant the thief and robber 10.1-6 371
The interpretation 10.7-10, 14-18, 27-30 375
i. The exclusiveness and the absoluteness of the revelation 10.7-10 375
ii. The security of faith 10.14-18, 27-30 380
c) conclusion 10.31-39 387
IV. 10.40-12-53; 8.30-40, 6.60-71 The revealers secret victory over the world 392
A. 10.40-11.54 Decision for death 393
a) Introduction 10.40-42 393
b) The resurrection and the life 11.1-44 394
Introduction 11.1-16 396
i. 11.1-5 396
ii. 11.6-16 398
The resurrection and the life 11.17-44 400
i. Jesus and martha 11.17-27 400
ii. The raising of lazarus 11.28-44 405
c) the decision of the sanhedrin that jesus must die 11.45-54 409
B. 11.55-12.33, 8.30-40, 6.60-71 the way to the cross 412
A) The entry into jerusalem 11.55-12.19 412
Introduction 11.55-57 413
The anointing in bethany 12.1-8 414
A bridge passage 12.9-11 416
The entry into jerusalem 12.12-19 417
B) The mystery of the death of jesus 12.20-33, 8.30-40, 6.60-71 419
Access to jesus 12.20-33 420
i. The request for access 12.20-22 423
ii. The law of access 12.23-26 424
iii. The achievement of access 12.27-33 427
The offence 8.30-40 433
The separation 6.60-71 443
Conclusion 12.37-43 452
Chapters 13-20: the revelation of the aoea before the community 455
I. 13.1-17-26 The revealers farewell 457
A. 13.1-30 The last supper 461
a) the founding of the community and its law 13.1-20 461
Exposition 13.1-3 463
The footwashing and its first interpretation 13.4-11 466
The second interpretation 13.12-30 474
b) the prophecy of the betrayal 13.21-30 479
B. 13.1 17.1-26 the farewell prayer 486
a) A) the introduction 13.1 486
b) B) the petition of glorification 17.1- 5 490
c) The intercession for the community 17.6-26 497
The founding of the community 17.6-26 497
The petition fot the preservation and sanctification of the community 17.9-19 499
The petition for the oneness of the community 17.20-23 512
The petition for the perfecting of the believers 17.24-26 518
C. 13.31-16.33 farewell discourses and conversation 522
a) farewell and testament 13.31-35, 15.1-17 523
Introduction 13.31-35 523
The true vine 15.1-17 529
i. 15.1-8 529
ii. 15.9-17 539
b) the community in the world 15.18-16.11 547
The world hatred 15.18-16.4a 548
i. The revealer and community share the same destiny 15.18-20 548
ii. The sin of the world 15.21-25 550
iii. The disciples task in the face of the worlds hatred 15.26-16.4a 551
The disciples task 15.26-27 552
The worlds hatred 16.1-4a 555
The judgment of the world 16.4b-11 557
i. The disciples of the world 16.4b-7 557
ii. The judgment of the world 16.8-11 561
Additional note: the paraclete 566
c) The believers future as the eschatological situation 16.12-33 572
The continuation of the revelation in the future 16.12-33 572
The future as the situation of the eschatological 16.16-24 576
The condicion for comprehending the eschatological existence 16.25-33 586
d) The Fellowship with the son and the father 13.36-14-31 595
The promise of discipleship 13.36-14.4 595
The unity of way and goal 14.5-14 603
The love relationship to the son and the father 14-15-24 612
i. The promise of the paraclete 14.15-17 614
ii. The promise of jesus coming again 14.18-21 617
iii. The promise of the coming of jesus and of god 14.22-24 622
Conclusion 14.25-31 625
II. 18.1-20.29 The passion and easter 632
A. 18.1-19.41 The passion 637
a. The arrest of jesus 18.1-11 63
b. Jesus before the high priest and the denial of peter 18.12-27 641
c. Jesus before pilate 18.28-19.16a 648
Jesus is handed over to pilate 18.28-32 651
The first examination and its result 18.33-38 653
Jesus or barrabas 18.39-40 657
The flogging mocking and presentation of jesus 19.1-17 658
The second examination and its result 19.8-12a 661
The condemnation of jesus 19.12b-16a 663
d. Crucifixion, death and burial of jesus 19.16b-42 666
The crucifixion and the inscription 19.16b-22 668
The distribution of the clothes of jesus 19.23-24 670
Mary and the beloved disciple at the cross 19.25-27 671
The death of jesus 19.28-30 673
The taking down from the cross 19.31-37 675
The burial 19.38-42 679
B. 20.1-29 easter 681
a. The easter morning 20.1-18 681
b. The risen jesus before the disciples 20.19-23 689
c. Thomas the doubter 20.24-29 693
20.30-31 the conclusion of the gospel 697
Postscript: character 21 700
A. 21.1-14 The appearing of the risen lord by the lake 706
B. 21.15-23 peter and the beloved disciple 711
Conclusion 21.24-25 717
List of abbreviations of journals and periodicals 719
List of abbreviations of books cited 721
Bibliography 725
1. Commentaries 725
2. Books and essays on the gospel of john 726
3. Books frequently cited 730
Indexes 733
1. Greek words 733
2. Literary and historico critical question 735
3. Theological motifs 737
4. Religio historical relations 738
Postscript to this edition 741
The gospel of John [texto impreso] / Bultmann, Rudolf, Autor . - [S.l.] : The westminster press, [s.d.] . - 744 páginas. <27236> Idioma : Inglés Clasificación: | 226.5/B91/(ING) | Resumen: | INDICE:
Sections of the commentary in order of the text xiii
Publisher`s note xiv
Introduction 1
1. The characteristics of the gospel of John in comparison with the synoptic gospels 3
2. The sources 6
3. The relationship to gnoticism 7
4. The relationship to paul 9
5. The integrity of the gospel 10
6. Authorship, time and place of composition 11
1. 1-18 The prologue 13
A. 1.1-4 the pre temporal existence of the logos 19
a) His relation to god: 1,1-2 19
b) His relation to the world : 1.3-4 36
B. 1.5-18: The logos as the revealer in history 45
a) Preliminary description: 1.5-13 45
b) The logos in the flesh: 1.4-18 60
1.19-51: the maptypia of the baptist 84
A. 1.19-24: The witness of the baptist 84
B. 1.35-51: the calling of the first disciples 97
Chapters 2-12: the revelation of the aoea to the world 109
Prelude: Chapter 2 113
A. 2.1-12: The miracle of the epiphany 113
B. 2.13-22: the cleansing of the temple 122
I. 2.23.4-42: the encounter with the revealer 130
A. 2.23-3.36: Jesus and the teacher of israel 130
a) Introduction: 2.23-25 130
b) The coming of the revealer as the – of the world: 3.1-21 (+3.31-36) 131
The mystery of the rebirth 3.1-8 133
The mystery of the son of man 3.9-21 143
The mystery of the witness 3.31-36 160
c) the - of the baptist 3.22-30 167
Introduction 3.22-26 170
The - 3.27.30 172
B. 4.1-42 jesus in samaria 175
a) A) jesus ant he samaritan woman 4.1-30 176
Introduction 4.1-4 176
Jesus and the samaritan woman 4.5-30 177
i. Setting the scene 4.5-6 177
ii. Jesus asks for water 4.7-9 178
iii. The living water 4.10-15 180
iv. The revelation as the disclosure of man`s being: 4.16-19 187
v. The self reveltation of jesus 4.20-26 189
vi. Conclusion 4.27-30 192
b) jesus and the messengers of the revelation 4.31-42 193
Jesus and the proclamation of the witnesses 4.31-38 194
First and second hand hearers 4.39-42 200
II. 4.43-6.59; 7.15-24, 8.13-20 Ther revelation as K 203
A. 4.43-45 Introduction 204
B. Prelude: 4.46-54: the healing of the son of the .. 204
C. 6.1-59 the bread of life 209
a) the feeding of the multitude and the journey on the lake 6.1-26 210
b) the bread of life 6.27-59 218
The lords supper 6.51b-58 234
D. 5.1-47; 7.15-24, 8.13-20 The judge 237
A) the healing story and controversy 5.1-18 240
The healing of the lame man5.1-9a 240
The controversy 5.9b-18 242
B) the judge 5.19-47; 7.15-24; 8.13-20 247
The revealer as the eschatological judge 5.19-30 247
The witness for the revealer 5.31-47; 7.15-24 262
i. The – 5.31-40 263
ii. The – 5.41-47; 7.15-24 268
Conclusiion: - 8.13-20 278
III. Chapters 7-10 the revealers struggles with the world 285
A. 7.1-14, 25-52. 8-48-50, 54-55 The hiddenness and contingency of the revelation 287
a) introduction 7.1-13 288
b) The hiddenness of the revelation 7.14, 25-29; 8.48-50; 54-55; 7.30 295
c) The contingency of the revelation 7.37-44; 31-36 302
The -- 7.37-44,31 302
Too late 7.33-36 306
d) Conclusion 7.45-52 309
B. 8.41-47, 51-53, 56-59 a fragment. Analysis of the chapter 8 312
a) the jews as children of the devil 8.41-47,51 315
b) jesus and abrahm 8.52-53, 56-59 325
C. 9.1-41; 8.12; 12,44-50; 8.21-29, 12-34-36; 10.19-21 The light of the world 329
a) healing narrative, discussion and controversy 9.1-41 329
The healing of the blind man 9.1-7 330
The discussion of the miracles 9.8-38 333
Controversy 9.39-41 339
b) the light of the world: 8.12, 12.44-50: 8-21-29; 12.34-36 342
The call of the revealer 8.12; 12.44-50 342
Threats and warningss 8.21-29; 12.34-36a 347
c) conclusion 12.36b; 10-19-21 357
D. 10.1-39 The good shepherd 358
a) introduction 10.22-26 360
b) The good shepherd 10.11-13, 1-10, 14-18, 27-30 363
The good shepherd and the hireling 10.11-13 363
The good shepherd ant the thief and robber 10.1-6 371
The interpretation 10.7-10, 14-18, 27-30 375
i. The exclusiveness and the absoluteness of the revelation 10.7-10 375
ii. The security of faith 10.14-18, 27-30 380
c) conclusion 10.31-39 387
IV. 10.40-12-53; 8.30-40, 6.60-71 The revealers secret victory over the world 392
A. 10.40-11.54 Decision for death 393
a) Introduction 10.40-42 393
b) The resurrection and the life 11.1-44 394
Introduction 11.1-16 396
i. 11.1-5 396
ii. 11.6-16 398
The resurrection and the life 11.17-44 400
i. Jesus and martha 11.17-27 400
ii. The raising of lazarus 11.28-44 405
c) the decision of the sanhedrin that jesus must die 11.45-54 409
B. 11.55-12.33, 8.30-40, 6.60-71 the way to the cross 412
A) The entry into jerusalem 11.55-12.19 412
Introduction 11.55-57 413
The anointing in bethany 12.1-8 414
A bridge passage 12.9-11 416
The entry into jerusalem 12.12-19 417
B) The mystery of the death of jesus 12.20-33, 8.30-40, 6.60-71 419
Access to jesus 12.20-33 420
i. The request for access 12.20-22 423
ii. The law of access 12.23-26 424
iii. The achievement of access 12.27-33 427
The offence 8.30-40 433
The separation 6.60-71 443
Conclusion 12.37-43 452
Chapters 13-20: the revelation of the aoea before the community 455
I. 13.1-17-26 The revealers farewell 457
A. 13.1-30 The last supper 461
a) the founding of the community and its law 13.1-20 461
Exposition 13.1-3 463
The footwashing and its first interpretation 13.4-11 466
The second interpretation 13.12-30 474
b) the prophecy of the betrayal 13.21-30 479
B. 13.1 17.1-26 the farewell prayer 486
a) A) the introduction 13.1 486
b) B) the petition of glorification 17.1- 5 490
c) The intercession for the community 17.6-26 497
The founding of the community 17.6-26 497
The petition fot the preservation and sanctification of the community 17.9-19 499
The petition for the oneness of the community 17.20-23 512
The petition for the perfecting of the believers 17.24-26 518
C. 13.31-16.33 farewell discourses and conversation 522
a) farewell and testament 13.31-35, 15.1-17 523
Introduction 13.31-35 523
The true vine 15.1-17 529
i. 15.1-8 529
ii. 15.9-17 539
b) the community in the world 15.18-16.11 547
The world hatred 15.18-16.4a 548
i. The revealer and community share the same destiny 15.18-20 548
ii. The sin of the world 15.21-25 550
iii. The disciples task in the face of the worlds hatred 15.26-16.4a 551
The disciples task 15.26-27 552
The worlds hatred 16.1-4a 555
The judgment of the world 16.4b-11 557
i. The disciples of the world 16.4b-7 557
ii. The judgment of the world 16.8-11 561
Additional note: the paraclete 566
c) The believers future as the eschatological situation 16.12-33 572
The continuation of the revelation in the future 16.12-33 572
The future as the situation of the eschatological 16.16-24 576
The condicion for comprehending the eschatological existence 16.25-33 586
d) The Fellowship with the son and the father 13.36-14-31 595
The promise of discipleship 13.36-14.4 595
The unity of way and goal 14.5-14 603
The love relationship to the son and the father 14-15-24 612
i. The promise of the paraclete 14.15-17 614
ii. The promise of jesus coming again 14.18-21 617
iii. The promise of the coming of jesus and of god 14.22-24 622
Conclusion 14.25-31 625
II. 18.1-20.29 The passion and easter 632
A. 18.1-19.41 The passion 637
a. The arrest of jesus 18.1-11 63
b. Jesus before the high priest and the denial of peter 18.12-27 641
c. Jesus before pilate 18.28-19.16a 648
Jesus is handed over to pilate 18.28-32 651
The first examination and its result 18.33-38 653
Jesus or barrabas 18.39-40 657
The flogging mocking and presentation of jesus 19.1-17 658
The second examination and its result 19.8-12a 661
The condemnation of jesus 19.12b-16a 663
d. Crucifixion, death and burial of jesus 19.16b-42 666
The crucifixion and the inscription 19.16b-22 668
The distribution of the clothes of jesus 19.23-24 670
Mary and the beloved disciple at the cross 19.25-27 671
The death of jesus 19.28-30 673
The taking down from the cross 19.31-37 675
The burial 19.38-42 679
B. 20.1-29 easter 681
a. The easter morning 20.1-18 681
b. The risen jesus before the disciples 20.19-23 689
c. Thomas the doubter 20.24-29 693
20.30-31 the conclusion of the gospel 697
Postscript: character 21 700
A. 21.1-14 The appearing of the risen lord by the lake 706
B. 21.15-23 peter and the beloved disciple 711
Conclusion 21.24-25 717
List of abbreviations of journals and periodicals 719
List of abbreviations of books cited 721
Bibliography 725
1. Commentaries 725
2. Books and essays on the gospel of john 726
3. Books frequently cited 730
Indexes 733
1. Greek words 733
2. Literary and historico critical question 735
3. Theological motifs 737
4. Religio historical relations 738
Postscript to this edition 741